Monday, May 09, 2011

kenisah : between two verses


In our ordinary lives, moslem knowing about al Fatihah as Ummul Qur'an, 'mother' of Holy Qur'an. Not only Fatihah as a first surah of Qur'an. Al Fatihah consist of seven verses that very special, one of the reason is because Al Fatihah opened by Basmalah as first verse. As we know Basmalah always used as opening by majority surah from Qur'an, but Basmalah as verse only at Al Fatihah. Basmalah mean 'By the name of God'. And every step of moslem daily activity must be started by read Basmalah.  

When we back at the statement that Al Fatihah is 'mother' of Qur'an, it means that Al Fatihah containing the insight from all of Qur'an verses. Seven verses wrapping all of verses from Qur'an. Amazing.

In this sheet, I will write my paradigm about two verses of Al Fatihah, verse number one and five. Verse number one is Basmalah. The meaning from this first verse is "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". Verse number five said that "Only to You we worship, and only to You we ask for help".

People need hope. It's that's a very normal, because every person in addition to having the hope also of course has limited ability. Actually, people usually try to reach the hopes more than ability from himself. And when stuck in cul-de-sac, we need someone who can bring miracle result. Every people live between effort and result, also need a miracle for best result. After doing all of efforts, we need to pray for  the best result. And in this stage, we talk about God. We pray to God to bless us with best result.

One time, I talk with my friend about 'hope'. Some people are always praying to God, pray for something, pray for their hope. They talk with their God only when they talk about hope. Not bad, but if we only pray for our hope, it means we remembering God only when we need the best result. Give us, please, My God. In this case, it means that only at the ending of activities we just remember Him.

I explain to my friend that God is in everything, not just at result. When we only talk to God about hope and result, it means just give the position of our God to the end of activity, only. Because result is ending of something. And we know, the end of everything is depend on God. From this basic statement, we know that the result depend on God. That's meaning of verses number five. At the end, we hope that God gives us the best from our achievement. A simple connectivity between our hope and God.

But not as simple as that. Once again, every people live between effort and result. We just talk about fifth verse, about hope and result. How about effort ? Maybe this line will connecting the first verse to fifth verse. The first verse from Al Fatihah talk about the name of God. Bismillah. Every activity must started with this. In our lives, maybe we forget to start something with God's name. We only remembering God in the end of activity, result only, not at all of our activity, not in our effort, not in first.

In the first verse of Al Fatihah, God warn to put God in everything that we do. In this first verse –as I know—we must take the God as reason for every step. When we go to office, caused by God, when we eat our breakfast, by God, when we fall asleep, by God. Everything doing by the name of God.

Talk about connectivity of two verses, it's clear that we must start something with God, till the end of what we started. These verses teach us to understand that we all just only creation from God, and everything depend on God.  When we start the day with God, it means we will end the day with hope from God.

When we understand about first verse, we must know that only God as the fundamental reason from all of our activity. God is the reason to act. And when we understand about fifth verse, we know that everything depend on Allah. How about this ? Agree ? [] haris fauzi – 08 May 2011.

thanks to izmi & niken. this article written caused by your conversation. sorry, i'm a broken english.


  1. ealah, ternyata bisa komen disini to? maklum lah masih gaptek nih he he he

  2. makasih pak Haris
