Saturday, June 28, 2014

a short story about 'reply'

One day, i receive short message at my phone,"may i deliver this product today ? [fulan]". A message from unknown number. But, sender bring his nick name in the end of message. Because of that, I know that message is from Fulan, a packaging section employee, and he use another number. Actually, I don't care if he has a thousand numbers.

A question message always need an answer. I know, Fulan need my reply as soon as possible, because Fulan need my decision about delivery action in the span of that day. And, in a minute,  I reply these message with reply menu from my phone cell like this," Ok. Please send product as soon as possible. This day is better. Thank you". Message status at my phone is "sending success".

The next day, Fulan come to me and complain," Do you receive my message about delivery ?".
"Off course, and I already reply your message in real time ", i said.
"O, ya ? why I'm not receive your reply...? ", he shocked.
"Hah ? my phone status is 'sending', Fulan...", my argue with show my phone status.

After watch my cell phone, Fulan continuing with his debate," you reply my message ? You make a mistake. Why are not you sending to my number that have been registered ? ... yesterday I use my friend number for sending message to you...".

"Hah ?.... i just reply only, Fulan... reply is go back to sender. I think you use those number... i don't know about your friend cell phone number... ".

"You make a mistake. You know my number, why you just reply to my friend number ?",he still continuing with his stupid debate. [] haris fauzi, 1 ramadhan 1435H

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