Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Worst Creature

Someday, very long time before the beginning of universe, God created one of kind of creature. A kind of supernatural creature. As a speech by wise man, before universe -- a real creature-- created, God has so many supernatural creatures, such like angel, demons, spirit, and some kind like that,  ..... and this newest creature one.

After creation, God ask to his creature," Who are you, and who Am I ?". The newest one said," I Am who I Am, and You are You". Twice God asked with same question, and the newest one reply with the same answer. Not satisfied with the answer, God bring the newest one to the hell kitchen, the hottest place in the universe. The newest one locked in that hot place for one billion years.

After one billion years, God lifting the newest one from hell kitchen. And asking again," Who are you, and who Am I ?". The newest one become the worst creature, said, " I Am who I Am, ..... and .... You are You". With this situation, God locked back the worst one in the coldest place of universe for one billion years.

After second time locked for one billion years, the worst creature lifted by hand of God. And again, God asking to his creature," " Who are you, and who Am I ?". And still, the worst creature reply with the same answer," I Am who I Am, ..... and .... You are You".

For the third times, God throw out His worst creature and locking back to the most terrible place for one billion years. In this place, there's no food and water. All of creature cannot eat and drink because there's no food and water.

After one billion years, God lift His worst creature, and asking with the same question," Who Are You,... and Who Am I ?". With hungry stomach and very thirsty throat, the creature said," I Am your creature, and You Are my God, my Creator....". After this answer, God placed his creature in the waiting room for billions years, in the latest, that supranatural creatures inserted by God to human body. That worst creature named "carnality". That's why to curbing carnality, man is obliged to do fasting. [] haris fauzi, 25 june 2015

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